Solving Small Business Problem With DMS

Think of every brand you've ever loved. That brand, if personified, would be someone in whom you found value and considered a friend or lover. LinkedIn is the pal who introduces you to the most important people at the office party. Google is your sage the friend to whom you bring your most pressing questions. Kodak was the parent documenting the finer moments of your existence in celluloid. We identify most with brands that humanise emotive forces in the purchasing context.

I will also remind you that NIIX (DMS) is a company, and all companies are organisations, living entities with a pulse, purpose, and passion, living entities that are much like people themselves

NIIX is a company solving small business problem, and  specifically , solving more problems that small businesses face that any other software company. Even more specifically, NIIX(DMS) securely automates, organises and mobilises small businesses

Here are the most commonly listed results of using NIIX (DMS) as reported to us by our user base, with the corresponding problems solved shown below.

  • Keep everything in one place
  • Reduce less time 
  • Expand your business 
  • Protect you business 
  • Expand your business
  • Maximise your performance
  • Fast-track document turnaround
  • Save space and money
  • Control access and track documents
  • Automate redundant processes 
  • Securely share file of any size
  • Improve customer service
  • Facilitate compliance and ensure security
  • Work from anywhere
  • Eliminate lost or misfiled documents

The document management system features that produce the above results

1. User security

A feature to assign right of what the user can and cannot do in the system such as create, edit, revise or delete document, etc.

2. Document status

To display the status of each document as document in draft, pending for review, pending for approval, document had been approved and etc.

3. Audits trails/log

Traceability record of activities related to user and document such as who accessed which document printing activities, etc.

4. Full Text Search

Full text search ensures that you don't need to know exactly what's in the document nor what the document is named to find it immediately within the NIIX (DMS) document management system. This reduces disorganization, fast-tracks document turnaround, and eliminates lost or misfiles documents

5. Email Notification

Automated email notification to notifiy related user about document pending to review, approval & newly approved document

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